How To Hide your Personal Chat on Whatsapp

Hello friends i am back with another amazing article today we are going to talk about how To Hide your Personal Chat on Whatsapp. In the event that you need to shroud your mystery talk with somebody and nobody can see him, So on playstore there are numerous Apps however every one of them having a few downsides in it. Be that as it may, this App StealthTap is best for this, in light of the fact that in this application your messages and calls are encoded and some other individual not read your messages even you can give open talk to him. So this application is best choice for those individuals who need to stow away there mystery talk with some uncommon individual and no body can peruse him.

Here is How To Hide your Personal Chat on Whatsapp?


This application is really a console, when you introduce this application from playstore then set as default console in your Android Phone, So when you utilizing this console while sending message to somebody, when get from opposite side then it is necessary to introduce this console for other Phone and afterward they will peruse this message. As a matter of fact these messages are sending in encoded structure like code, and afterward other individual will open in that console and read the message effectively. For instance you send the message, how are you? so really code is sending to other individual not at all like this message so after they will reorder in that console then he will ready to peruse the message how are you?

Private Messaging:

It is secure application for calling and informing with your companions, accomplices or somebody unique in your life, So it as cutting edge encryption innovation in which you will verify your talk and other individual can’t peruse these messages on the off chance that they open your visit yet because of encryption he won’t ready to peruse.

Discharge Tension:

On the off chance that you are feeling ungainly circumstances and you truly need to diminish some pressure however you don’t feel comfartable within the sight of others so you will utilize Stealth Tap App to utilize it and send encoded messages to your companion or accomplice to discharge your strain and nobody can understand what you will send to your accomplice, Actually he can’t peruse your scrambled message.

Stealth top Keyboard use:

You can offer a message that you snap to bolt.

You can duplicate a notice message and open a message by tapping on the open sign.

You can set a PIN, so when the snap image is clicked, it is an indication for the PIN to avert the stealth tape’s console from exasperating another message.

Supports over the stealth tape board above.






Change the offers to a long press and select the settings key