WhatsApp lets users safely delete messages, both within their chats as well as messages sent to other users. But, it’s hard to imagine the anxiety that might arise in the event that you accidentally shared an unsuitable message to a group of people, and then click”delete” and then select the “delete on my behalf” choice in place of “delete for all” which is clearly it’s a double-whammy. This is, thankfully, not an issue of the past because WhatsApp plans to release the ability to retrieve deleted messages.
WABetaInfo is one of the most trusted sources of real-time information of the popular instant messenger, discovered the feature in the early stages of tests, and showcased it in a new screen shot. In the screenshot the moment a user clicks at”delete for me, “delete to me” choice, WhatsApp displays a pop-up at the bottom of the screen that asks whether one wants to undo the deletion. Similar to other messaging platforms such as Telegram users will be given only a few minutes to restore chats. They may keep or “delete for all users.”
This isn’t the only thing WhatsApp has been working on. WhatsApp is planning to raise its limit for file sharing to 2GB in addition to the prior limit of 100MB. The feature, which was limited to testing in Argentina at the beginning of March, is now available with WhatsApp Beta version The beta version is rolling out across world to beta testersIf you’re wondering if you’ve been selected to test the feature, you can try sending larger files via your phone.
WhatsApp has made huge strides in the last few weeks, and they’re working to introduce new features, such as editing chat messages and the ability to save deleted conversations. We’re not certain when the possibility of taking back deleted messages will be available on the app, but the odds are that it will arrive before we realize it.