Work Style: A Guide to Have a Complete Wardrobe Essentials

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a killer work wardrobe can completely transform your professional life. 

A well put-together work wardrobe is like a modern suit of armor. It not only will it save you tons of time, money, and mental energy on a daily basis, but it will also give you the confidence and well-being you need to crush your day and ultimately advance your career. 

It is certainly possible to create your capsule wardrobe with clothing you already own – in fact, it is a fantastic idea – but there is nothing wrong with carefully investing in key pieces you are fairly certain you will love.

Below, we have listed tips on how to create an outstanding work wardrobe!

Respect the Dress Code

The best place to start when creating a professional wardrobe is with information about the company dress code. To always appear professional, one must adhere to the proper dress code at work. In addition, for a lasting impression, it is critical to dress appropriately.

Not all workwear essentials are appropriate for all workplaces. That’s why it is critical to tailor your shopping and overall approach to putting together a basic work wardrobe to your workplace and company culture.

Start With Basic Pieces 

As mentioned previously, your work wardrobe should respect your job’s dress code. And the easiest way to do so is by creating a wardrobe working with basic pieces.

Work wardrobe essentials for women would include: 

  • Collared shirts
  • Collared button downs
  • Trousers and Slacks
  • Blazers and Suit Jackets
  • Pencil Skirts
  • Heels or Flats, etc.

This dress code is typically distinguished by muted and dim colors such as black, gray, dark blue, and white. 

Of course, each workplace has its own interpretation of what constitutes a business professional dress code, so consult with your coworkers to determine what is appropriate.

Determine The Look You Want To Achieve

The exciting part when creating a work wardrobe is window shopping for ideas! Take some time to figure out which styles you really like, keeping in mind that the majority of your closet may not be your style since we all stockpile clothing for a variety of inexplicable emotional reasons.

Thinking about people at work whose style you admire is a good place to start. Also, make sure to ask yourself the following questions: Do you prefer sharply tailored garments or slouchy, oversized ones? Do you prefer sophisticated neutrals or bright pops of color? Finally, keep a record of your preferences and act accordingly.

Choose 2-3 Outfits That Make You Feel Unstoppable 

Clothing that is a small step outside of your comfort zone can act as a confidence cloak on days when you really need it. Therefore, it is vital to know what are the outfits that make you feel like you’re on top of the world.

Do you always wanted to wear a jumpsuit to work but have never done so? Do heeled shoes with a pencil skirt put a spring in your step? Finding items that make you feel powerful is a game changer in your work wardrobe.

Include Accessories 

Accessories are a simple and inexpensive way to transform casual clothing into professional work attire. You can also use accessories to transform an outfit and to coordinate and tie colors together.

Adding a belt to a blouse and a skirt, for example, will change the entire outfit, and earrings or a simple gold necklace will easily make a dress more formal. You can also express your personal style with accessories.

When speaking of accessories, watches are symbols of style and an important detail to be added to your new wardrobe. Different watches range from automatic field watches with a rough charm that helps you achieve a sophisticated look, to dress watches with a more subtle elegance that gives you a casual touch.

Identify Gaps That Need To Be Filled 

Finally, lay out all of your pieces and stage a bedroom fashion show, trying on as many combinations as you can. 

Take note of how you feel in each outfit and what you are missing. If your work wardrobe is lacking in excitement, you may need to invest in one more killer piece, or a couple more neutral basics will help you get more wear out of key pieces. 

You might even want to postpone this step for a while since wearing a simpler wardrobe for a few weeks can give you a better sense of what’s missing before investing in anything.

Final Thoughts 

Ultimately, you can mix and match workwear essentials and wardrobe staples to create a variety of outfits. In general, a work wardrobe should reflect your personal style, the formality of your job, and the dress code of your workplace.